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Summer Berry Pudding

Adapted from Chuck's Day Off on TLC

Summer is here...well almost. We still have a few more weeks before the excruciating heat begins, but I can feel the temperatures rise slowly. Summer for me is official dessert season. Fresh tropical fruits are abundant, and you body is just begging to be served something cold and juicy. So I wanted to herald the start of summer, and valentines season, with this simple dessert. Ever since I've seen this episode, I've been waiting for berry season to make this pudding. The best part is that this pudding makes you look so good in front of your friends, and its hardly 5mins worth of prep time. Its so easy to make and even easier to lick clean :)

1 pack or 10 slices bread, crusts removed. The bread quantity really depends of your serving bowl. The larger the bowl, the more bread to cover it up.
4 cups of assorted berries. I used only strawberries.
1 cup sugar

In a large saucepan add the berries and sugar and cook in a low flame. Cook till the berries start releasing its juices. The berries should be soft and yet still hold its shape.

Line a large bowl with cling wrap. There should be enough plastic hanging off the bowl to cover it up completely as well. Remove the crust from the bread slices. Dip the bread slices in the berry juice and lay it into the bowl. Lay the bread to take the shape of the bowl, and ensure that there are no gaps.

Let berries cool to room temperature and then spoon it into the bread lined bowl. 'Cover' the bowl with a final layer of juice dipped bread and spoon over any leftover juices. Cover with the plastic wrap and add some weight on the top. Refrigerate over night.

To serve, gently invert bowl into a serving dish. Shake it lightly to loosen. Peel the plastic wrap off.

Serve with sweetened cream or whipped cream or vanilla ice cream

Tip: Reserve some of the berry juice for serving and use as a garnish