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100 Days Of Nigella...My New Years Resolution

The Nigella Lawson Project:

Most new year resolutions include losing weight, cutting out the sweets and the baked goods, not binging and the likes. So here I am doing the complete opposite.

I've always said, I'm more baker than cook. Baking is my first love, its my true calling. And Nigella Lawson played cupid. Don't you just love her? Her shows are essential to anyone who enjoys procrastination of the culinary kind. And what I love best about her is that she's not a 'chef'.  And as a host, she doesn't issue 'matronly' instructions. She's self taught, and almost goofy around the kitchen...just like me. She eats...good things and bad things. And best of all...she has hips! Its not just about the cooking, its about the enjoyment of being in the kitchen and getting your hands dirty, taking pleasure in the entire process, and relishing the outcome.

In my beef bourguignon post previously, I have ranted on and on about Julie and Julia and how much I like the whole concept of cooking out one's idol. So this Christmas my fiancee gifted me a copy of How To Be A Domestic Goddess and I thought why not?

The Plan...

Now I'm not so ambitious as to have a 365 day bake-a-thon. I do have a day job AND my own wedding to plan....and multitasking is not a quality I possess. Hence the 100 days of Nigella Project. Why 100 you may ask. There are approximately 50 weekends in 2014 which makes 100 days. So my aim is to cook out 100 recipes from the book over the 50 weekends in 2014 (I may skip a few weekends due to said wedding which I will make up for, don't you worry!). The book is divided into nine chapters: Cakes, Biscuits, Pies, Puddings, Chocolate, Children, Christmas, Bread & Yeast. Mind you I live in India so not all ingredients are easy to come by, hence I will cherry pick the easy recipes and dish those out.

So that is pretty much my rules. I'd love to hear your comments on the over the course of the year.

Wish me luck!